Friday, January 21, 2011


Yesterday I made a new playlist on my iTunes it's called "When all else fails." I know. I know. Oh my gosh I am so dramatic. My sister calls me a drama queen all the time. I am so Not! Well, maybe I am.  I don't try to be, but I just feel like when I have a problem, everything around me is collapsing and falling apart. Since music is my therapy for all sorts of bad emotions, I made a list. I only have a few songs now. First on the list is "Something Good Can Work" by Two Door Cinema Club and then I also added Kid Cudi's song "Pursuit of Happiness" I love the video and the message of the song. Take a look.

 I just want to add, Jesse Eisenberg, the curly haired dude from Zombieland and The Social Network, he is cute. It's soooo CURLY! i die! :)